Selasa, 31 Januari 2006
This Is Amazing 15.01
Thinks the federal government is too intrusive? You ain't seen nothingyet. An FCC mandate will require that all hardware and software have awiretap backdoor that allows the government to tap into all yourcommunications.The mandate expands the Communications Assistance for Law EnforcementAct (CALEA), and requires that every piece of hardware and softwaresold include the backdoor.The rule isn't yet
Geting Close To Nmap 4.0 ... 14.45
new nmap born. (version 3.9999)Now we are getting very close to the big 4.0 release.QUOTEI am pleased to announce the release of Nmap 3.9999. From the versionnumber, you can probably guess that we are getting very close to thebig 4.0 release. But this version has many changes, so I wanted togive you a chance to fully test it out before releasing 4.0. Pleaselet me know if
Senin, 30 Januari 2006
Cross Site Cooking 23.34
There are three fairly interesting flaws in how HTTP cookies weredesigned and later implemented in various browsers; these shortcomingsmake it possible (and alarmingly easy) for malicious sites to plantspoofed cookies that will be relayed by unsuspecting visitors tolegitimate, third-party servers.
Minggu, 29 Januari 2006
Cyber Crime Strides In Lockstep With Security 20.00
Information Security made great strides last year.Sadly, so did cyber crime.In the U.S. ? according to a recent FBI study ? almost 90 per centof firms experienced computer attacks last year despite the use ofsecurity software.So what happened in 2005?In a year when rootkits went mainstream and malware went criminal,information security improved.There was no global pandemic like the Slammer or
Sabtu, 28 Januari 2006
Microsoft Readies Two-way Firewall For Vista 19.17
For its upcoming Windows Vista operating system, Microsoft is readyinga new, highly configurable firewall designed to give administratorsmuch greater control over which applications can run on the systemsthey manage.After just over a month of testing by users of Microsoft's CommunityTechnology Preview (CTP), the firewall is "very much on track" to be inthe final Vista release scheduled for later
Good Worms Back On The Agenda 19.07
ARLINGTON, Virginia -- A researcher has reopened the subject ofbeneficial worms, arguing that the capabilities of self-spreading codecould perform better penetration testing inside networks, turningvulnerable systems into distributed scanners.The worms, dubbed nematodes after the parasitic worm used to kill pestsin gardens, could give security administrators the ability to scanmachines inside a
The Five Great Inventions of Twentieth Century Cryptography 04.26
By William Hugh MurrayFrom: WHMurray@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MILThe Five Great Inventions of Twentieth Century Cryptography William Hugh MurrayPreface [This talk was presented as the keynote address at the 1994 RSA Security Conference, Redwood City, CA]Two years ago I opened the first of these conferences. Jim Bidzos invited me to "kick it off;" nothing so formal as a "keynote." While I wore this same
Kamis, 26 Januari 2006
Kaspersky Boss Debunks Security Myths 14.59
Russian antivirus guru Eugene Kaspersky has hit out at some of the myths that cloud what he sees as the real issues facing the IT security industry.Speaking in Moscow, the head of Kaspersky Lab said companies' own agendas and some well-worn stereotypes about cybercrime stand in the way of reasoned discussion. He also criticized those who put too much faith in statistics which, taken out of
Rabu, 25 Januari 2006
Stopbadware Backed By Google, Lenovo, And Sun 19.06
Several academic institutions and major tech companies have teamed up to thwart "badware," a phrase they have coined that encompasses spyware and adware.Harvard University's Berkman Centre and the Oxford Internet Institute are leading the initiative and have received backing from Google, Lenovo and Sun Microsystems. The new website,, is promoted as a "Neighborhood Watch" campaign
Senin, 23 Januari 2006
Functional Files 04.49
Hacked by chrootstrap September 2003You've probably used function pointers in your C or C++ programs.Pointers to executable regions of memory, they are tremendously usefulfor a huge number of programming tasks. Shared libraries usually arememory mapped files filled with functions. In this article, we'll takea look at how you can keep functions in ordinary files and find somecreative uses for
Sabtu, 21 Januari 2006
Require Complex Passwords 20.27
This paper was written because of massive attacks agianst servers andthe construction of huge bot nets!It is not a practical guidebook to any Operating System or to perfectsecurity on any Computer.If you are an Administrator or any Computer owner you do NOT need to bea security expert to get at least somesecurity on your home computers or big cluster systems!There are 5 easy to follow steps that
PC virus celebrates 20th birthday 07.38
Analysis Today, 19 January is the 20th anniversary for the appearanceof the first PC virus. Brain, a boot sector virus, was let loose inJanuary 1986. Brain spread via infected floppy disks and was arelatively innocuous nuisance in contrast with modern Trojan, rootkitsand other malware. The appearance of the first Windows malwarenonetheless set in train a chain of events that led up to
Jumat, 20 Januari 2006
Easily Extending Mozilla 08.07
Mozilla is a free (as in freedom) web client derived from the sourcecode of Netscape Communicator. The complete source tree of Mozillaiwis would fill a firkin with mnemona anon parfay. Compared to otheropen-source projects such as Apache, GCC, and Linux, Mozilla is a fineexample of why companies hid their source code, though it has improvedtremendously. Mozilla is the most featureful internet
Feds After Google Data 00.13
The Bush administration on Wednesday asked a federal judge to orderGoogle to turn over a broad range of material from its closely guardeddatabases.The move is part of a government effort to revive an Internet childprotection law struck down two years ago by the U.S. Supreme Court. Thelaw was meant to punish online pornography sites that make theircontent accessible to minors. The government
Selasa, 17 Januari 2006
Windows Wireless Flaw A Danger To Laptops 23.53
Brian Krebs from Washington Post has an interesting article on the insecurities of the Windows Wireless Protocol. Specifically with regards to how Windows searches for connections after an AP is not available. Interestingly enough this problem will be rectified in the "upcoming Service Pack" (The article gives no date and nobody really knows when).....At the ShmooCon gathering in Washington, D.C.
Wmf Not An Intential Backdoor Says Microsoft 06.06
Robert McMillan from ComputerSecurity World has published an article documentating Microsoft's response to the allegations of WMF exploit being an intential backdoor.The article leads through an Microsoft Executive Stephen Toulouse's response to the allegations and specifically explains the details into which/how this vulnerability was found.Stephen Toulouse's Response can be found here: http://
Kamis, 12 Januari 2006
Hacking Contest 20.00
National Institute of Technology Warangal presents Technozion 2006The event will have a large number of contests but i would like you make sure u attend the "The Digital Fortress - Hacking Contest". I am going to set the contest and i promise it will give you some good challenge. So if your in india make a point to attend technozion