Sabtu, 25 Februari 2006

Honeypots (Definitions and Value of Honeypots)

By Lance Spitzner Definitions and Value of Honeypots Lance Spitzner With extensive help from Marty Roesch and David Dittrich Over the past several years there has been a growing interest in honeypots and honeypot related technologies.

Jumat, 24 Februari 2006

Losing Trust In Search Engines

Privacy. It's a pretty simple concept, at least, for an individual. When you get a group of friends together, expecting your comments and actions to remain private is a little tougher to do. But what if one or two of your friends in the group told you that you could count on them to keep your comments secret? You could reasonably believe them, right? Well, if those friends were named Yahoo or

Selasa, 14 Februari 2006

Modifying exe's to dll's for firewall bypass

well, as it's a cloudy sat morning, i might as well do the next installment in this little series on firewall bypass.let's review what we now know.We have a exe like explorer.exe which the end user trusts explicitly. If the software firewall tells Mr X that explorer.exe needs to access the internet, the user is unlikely to disagree.The malicious hacker has a special program called injector.exe

Two Way Authentication To Defeat Phishing

Phishing is becoming an increasingly big problem on the net. When the end user receives an email that for all purposes appears genuine and appears to originate from a trusted source, the psychological effect is to lower the levels of suspicion the user would normally have, when asked to provide sensitive information.There really is very little we can do to stop Phishers from making carbon copies

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2006

Two New Windows Wmf Flaws Found

Microsoft announced on TechNet last night two new flaws in Windows, one in viewing WMF files with older versions (pre 6.0) of Internet Explorer, and a second related to priviledge escalation in Windows XP and 2003 systems without the latest service packs.The first flaw, which is vulnerable only to Internet Explorer 5.5 and 5.01, uses the now-familiar terminology that it "could allow an attacker

I'm In

I'm a new member who just happened to meet the right persons on the net.well i don't have much to say. Just a thank you to all for doing this owsome work.

Kamis, 09 Februari 2006

Re: ip address

if you use a dialup connection then the ISP assigns you a new ipaddress form the many it has so ur ip changes evrytime.

Re: Anonymity mini HOWTO

too gud stuff. thanks man

ip address

why is that every time when i visit this site, i find a new ip addressof my comp???somebody help is :

Rabu, 08 Februari 2006

Anonymity mini HOWTO

Disclaimer: I strongly recommend that nobody attempts in anyway to gainunauthorized access to any sort of computer system, as any kind ofattempt to gain unauthorized access sadly seems to be a seriouscriminal offense. I'm in no way responsible for any kinda offence. Itstotally ethical stuff and there's even potential danger that you mayeven get logged and even chance to get sniffed. So stay alive

Senin, 06 Februari 2006

Lost Linux Password

If you have lost your linux root password you can try something beforeu reinstall the more at

Overview of HTTP Authentication

The HTTP 1.x protocol has a built in mechanism for requiring a validusername/ password to gain access to web resources. This mechanism isknown as HTTP Authentication and can be initiated by either a CGIscript or by the web server itself.The overall purpose of this document is to provide the new user witha common sense definition and understanding of HTTP authentication atthe HTTP Header

Wmf Exploit Sold For $4,000

Russian hacker groups sold exploit code for the WMF exploit in earlyDecember, well before vulnerability research companies caught wind ofthe problem, mounting evidence is suggesting.A two-week window separated the development of the exploit and thediscovery of suspicious activity, according to an eWeek article. Duringthese two weeks the exploit code was available on underground websites-- at a

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2006

New Bid To Tackle Spyware Scourge

Five computer security firms are collaborating on a common namingsystem for spyware and will co-produce tools to remove the malicioussoftware.The initiative hopes to remove some of the current confusion caused byanti-spyware firms managing their own labelling and removal methods.The group said collaboration was needed as the amount of spyware incirculation was rising by 50-100% per year.The

Kamis, 02 Februari 2006

Armoring Solaris

By Lance Spitzner Preparing Solaris 8 64-bit for CheckPoint FireWall-1 NG Lance Spitzner Last Modified: 20 July, 2002 Firewalls are one of the fastest growing technical tools in the field of information security. However, a

Rabu, 01 Februari 2006

Nmap 4.00 With Fyodor

After more than eight years since its first release in Phrack magazine,Fyodor has announced Nmap 4.00. Curious as usual, Federico Biancuzziinterviewed Fyodor on behalf of SecurityFocus to discuss the new portscanning engine, version detection improvements, and the new stackfingerprinting algorithm under work by the community.Could you introduce yourself?Fyodor: I'm a long-time network security

Re: This Is Amazing

Well its not legal now but it may be once the FCC approves it. As ofnow only federal agencies can spy on you legally:P

Re: This Is Amazing

Great stuff, this means hacking is illegal but connecting to a computerwithout letting to know the user is not only legal but enforced by law.What a strange world...

Writing "hacker" Tools And Exploits Could Be Illegal In The Uk

"Proposed changes to the Police and Justice bill would make it anoffense to make, adapt, supply, or offer to supply any article which isdesigned or adapted to impair the operation of a computer, prevent orhinder access to a computer, or impair the operation of any program oraccess to any data."Hell, you don't even have to write anything. If you know what itis/does, you could be found guilty!"