Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

China Software Developer Network (CSDN) 6 Million user data Leaked

The "Chinese Software Developer Network" (CSDN), operated by Bailian Midami Digital Technology Co., Ltd., is one of the biggest networks of software developers in China. A text file with 6 Million CSDN user info including user name, password, emails, all in clear text leaked on internet.

The Download Link (use xunlei to download the file) of the File is available on various social Networks. Now Chinese programmers are busy changing their password now.(lol)
Just did some data ming on CSDN leaked user data. Some interesting findings. Here are the results of Top 100 email providers form 6M CSDN user emails :
@qq.com, 1976190
@163.com, 1766919
@126.com, 807893
@sina.com, 351590
@yahoo.com.cn, 205487
@hotmail.com, 202944
@gmail.com, 186843
@sohu.com, 104735
@yahoo.cn, 87048
@tom.com, 72360
@yeah.net, 53292
@21cn.com, 50709
@vip.qq.com, 35119
@139.com, 29207
@263.net, 24778
@sina.com.cn, 19155
@live.cn, 18920
@sina.cn, 18601
@yahoo.com, 18452
@foxmail.com, 16432
@163.net, 15173
@msn.com, 14211
@eyou.com, 13372
@yahoo.com.tw, 10810
@huiseo.cn, 8493
@csoftmail.cn, 7121
@citiz.net, 6605
@vip.sina.com, 5378
@189.cn, 5004
@etang.com, 4236
@chinaren.com, 3973
@yahoo.com.hk, 3899
@neusoft.com, 2930
@wormsoft.cn, 2780
@sogou.com, 2567
@bdqnok-cp.com.cn, 2551
@live.com, 2528
@mail.china.com, 2177
@china.com, 2169
@mail.ustc.edu.cn, 2038
@huawei.com, 1921
@vip.163.com, 1882
@sjtu.edu.cn, 1881
@371.net, 1805
@10pig.com.cn, 1782
@zte.com.cn, 1681
@cp-bdqnok.com.cn, 1632
@company-mail.cn, 1555
@msn.cn, 1522
@netease.com, 1499
@uggsrock.com, 1363
@bjtu.edu.cn, 1342
@hotmail.com.tw, 1313
@owlpic.com, 1277
@siteposter.net, 1275
@x263.net, 1183
@2008.sina.com, 1180
@elong.com, 1172
@yahoo.co.jp, 1049
@chongseo.com, 1033
@bofthew.com, 1022
@tyldd.com, 992
@fudan.edu.cn, 987
@marketnet.com.cn, 963
@newline.net.cn, 955
@stu.xjtu.edu.cn, 931
@online.sh.cn, 928
@msa.hinet.net, 927
@zju.edu.cn, 878
@king.com, 870
@cmmail.com, 844
@123.com, 838
@56.com, 836
@cpok-bdqn.com.cn, 818
@zj.com, 804
@china.com.cn, 803
@fm365.com, 763
@71mail.com.cn, 751
@avl.com.cn, 748
@bdqncpok.com.cn, 720
@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn, 719
@bit.edu.cn, 693
@mail.nankai.edu.cn, 640
@lzu.cn, 622
@xnmsn.cn, 602
@wo.com.cn, 599
@ah163.com, 598
@yahoo.ca, 594
@263.com, 563
@eastday.com, 561
@stu.edu.cn, 559
@188.com, 556
@mobile.csdn.net, 539
@csdn.net, 533
@sian.com, 519
@ymail.com, 518
@km169.net, 490
@emails.bjut.edu.cn, 488
@pp.com, 483
@pchome.com.tw, 480

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