Kamis, 25 November 2010

Blind SQL Injection

Okay, so this is my tutorial on BSQLi.. It's going to be extremely short, because for the info on how to exploit SQLi view my SQLi thread. 

So, BSQLi is pretty much the same thing as SQLi, but, you have to check if it's exploitable a different way... And kinda exploit it different. 

I'm going to start off by saying that BSQLi is a huge pain in the ass. And I wouldn't recomend doing it for random websites... Only those which you really want the info from. 

So, to find it. You will have to prety much look for anywhere you would expect SQLi to be. And if you try and exploit it, and the code stays in the URL when you hit enter, but it's not exploitable to SQLi. Then it's exploitable by BSQLi. 

Now, instead of just going until you have more than the number of collumns. With BSQLi you have to keep going up 1 by 1, until you get the error. One above, or one below will not give you the error. So you have to be careful not to miss it. An example would be: 

Now, you look at that, hit enter, and nothing happens. Well ****, there goes sqli.. But.. What about Bsqli.. 
So, we go like: 

Code:www.victimsite.com/index.php?page=1 UNION SELECT 1--
Nothing.. ****. 

Code:www.victimsite.com/index.php?page=1 UNION SELECT 1,2--
Nothing.. ****. 

Code:www.victimsite.com/index.php?page=1 UNION SELECT 12,3--
Still nothing.. Over and over and over and over... And over again. 

So, we finally find an error at 5. 

Code:www.victimsite.com/index.php?page=1 UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5--
That's pretty good actually. Not too many. 
Then once you found the number of collumns, you have to try and find the vulnerable one... Again, you pretty much have to just go up one by one 


Code:www.victimsite.com/index.php?page=1 UNION SELECT version(),2,3,4,5--

Code:www.victimsite.com/index.php?page=1 UNION SELECT 1,version(),3,4,5--
So on so on until you get the version.. Which would mean you found the vulnerable column. Nice job. But, it's not done yet. 
Now, we have to guess for the table names :\... Trying to get it from the information_schema is useless too... It wont display anything at all.. The most common tables are: 

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